The inimitable Santigold follows up her fun first album with Master Of My Make-Believe, a strange and intense “don’t mess with me” sort of record. I mean, look at that cover closer. She’s taking on the world from that throne.
The songs mostly all hit that theme, standing up for yourself and fighting through the struggles, from various angles and places (political to personal to social). There’s a lot of revolution in this album.
“Disparate Youth”: “don’t look ahead / there’s stormy weather / another roadblock in our way / but if we go, we go together”
“The Riot’s Gone”: “I’ve been haunted all my life / on the brink of something close / People know that I ain’t right / Know that I’m grappling with a ghost”
“Pirate In The Water”: “don’t let ’em take you like the buccaneers do”
“Look At These Hoes”: “these bitches ain’t fucking with me / Tear it up / I’m so damn gold”
Musically, Make-Believe maybe suffers a little from having a different producer on each track, but Santigold remains the master of her vision, as she can vary from harder dance tracks to rap to pop, but still always stay within her zone. This odd, diverse, intense, catchy album is the result.
Spotify my entire list of albums here (I’ll add to it each day)