History Speaks is the debut record of Deep Sea Diver, the project mainly of Jessica Dobson and her minimal band. Jessica also moonlights as a guitar slinger for various artists (Beck, The Shins, Yeah Yeah Yeahs). Previously, a short Deep Sea Diver EP prior to History Speaks showed off her guitar skills and creativity. But History Speaks impressively expands on all that. More than just a great guitarist, Dobson’s voice sounds incredible, her songwriting varied and interesting and deep.
Here, I will share some of my favorites — a polyrhythmic Talking Heads-like jam called “You Go Running,” and the more moody title track. The rest of the album does not really sound like these two songs though, and that is why I like this album so much. These songs, just like this debut album, are surely just the tip of the Deep Sea Diver iceberg.