AlmostAGhost’s Top Albums Of 2012: #7. Bear (The Ghost) – What Was All This For?

if you miss my interpretations
if you miss my interpretations

I honestly know almost nothing about Bear (The Ghost). I happened on their album at some point though, and couldn’t get it out of my head. It kept climbing up my list, as I liked it more with every listen.

Their warm sound led to numerous plays–no required constant plays–as it fits all sorts of situations: both being played loud and soft, as background music or being trapped with it on a drive, during moments of contemplation or dancing around.

Since these are just 5 songs, all fairly lengthy, I could only share one mp3 here due to WordPress’ file size limits. And I would ask everyone to hear it all instead of just a song. Bear (The Ghost) also does not appear to be on Spotify or anything like that. However, you can listen to their album on their website here:

And I absolutely encourage everyone to do so. Bear (The Ghost) is my favorite new band that I found in 2012.

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