Anna Calvi – yr blowin my mind dwd

Anna Calvi. Yr blowin my mind dewd! A buddy of mine recommended her a few weeks back, and I promptly downloaded the record… which sat in a folder unlistened to. Then the other night he actually burned the CD and brought it to me. I guessed he was trying to tell me something. After about 30 seconds of the opening track, “Rider To The Sea,” I knew what it was: this lady is mind blowing. Her sound is probably something bordering on Cat Power and PJ Harvey vibes, but also very distinct and best of all – transporting. I have to be careful with this record on while driving!

You’ll find “No More Words” (also included as a download below) on my most recent “since we last spoke” mix, and above all check out the video below, a live performance of “Love Won’t Be Leaving” which just may be my favorite thing from 2011 so far. Also below, you’ll find a pretty interesting NPR interview. After hearing her belt out those notes it’s surprising to hear her tiny gentle voice. Okay, that’s all for now.

Anna Calvi – No More Words



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